The Moscow State Budget Health Care Institution Municipal Polyclinic No. 1 of Moscow City Health Department” is one of the largest general medical facilities in the South East administrative division of Moscow. We provide a wide range of medical services, from initial consultations to complete check-ups and treatment by leading specialists in various therapy areas.
Our polyclinic includes a day hospital, a vast net of outpatient care facilities, and an accident and emergency department. An outpatient care facility provides essential medical services and the most up-to-date screening techniques.
In addition, our accident and emergency department successfully treats emergency cases and delivers elective medical care.
In our polyclinic, we provide services in strict compliance with the Territorial State Guarantee Program for free medical care for the citizens of Moscow, as well as within the scope of various budget-financed targeted programs and under compulsory and voluntary health insurance agreements. We also provide medical services on fee-paying basis for legal entities as well as individuals.
139,469 people have registered at our polyclinic as of today.
In 2019, we treated over 1,369 foreign citizens.
General patient comment is the focus of our work and our primary objective.
We constantly strive to improve the quality of our services, implementing administrative, medical and media-driven innovations for sustaining our patients trust and preserving the most important thing that a human being has, i.e. their health.
The history of our polyclinic starts in 2003, when the Moscow State Budget Health Care Institution Municipal Polyclinic No. 9 of the Health Department of the South-Eastern Administrative District of the City of Moscow” was founded by the Order of Moscow City Health Department No. 112 of March 11, 2003.
In 2011, by the Order of Moscow City Health Department No. 1801 of December 20, 2011, it was renamed as the Moscow State Budget Health Care Institution Municipal Polyclinic No. 1 of Moscow City Health Department”.
In 2012, it was merged with two other municipal polyclinics, No. 89 (Branch 1) and No. 145 (Branch 2).
Nowadays, it is a modern health care facility complete with high technology equipment, providing medical services to the adult population of districts Maryino and Kuzminki.
Our crew consists of highly trained professionals experienced and skilled in diverse areas of medicine, who found their mission in life in helping people get better.
Если у Вас возникли затруднения при получении медицинской помощи и Вы не смогли решить их по телефону, руководство медицинского учреждения готово лично принять Вас, в соответствии с графиком приема.
Услуга предоставляется бесплатно.
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Адрес: 109451, г. Москва, Перервинский бульвар, д. 4, корп. 2
Режим работы:
Ежедневно 08:00 до 20:00
Суббота 09:00 до 18:00
Воскресенье 09:00 до 16:00
Справочная служба: +7 (499) 550-10-95
Вызов врача на дом: +7 (499) 550-10-95
Адрес:109439, г. Москва, Есенинский бульвар, д. 9, корп. 1
Режим работы:
Ежедневно 08:00 до 20:00
Суббота 09:00 до 18:00
Воскресенье 09:00 до 16:00
Справочная служба: +7 (499) 550-10-95
Вызов врача на дом: +7 (499) 550-10-95
Адрес:109457, г.Москва, ул. Федора Полетаева, д. 6
Режим работы:
Ежедневно 08:00 до 20:00
Суббота 09:00 до 18:00
Воскресенье 09:00 до 16:00
Справочная служба: +7 (499) 550-10-95
Вызов врача на дом: +7 (499) 550-10-95